The Doha Agreement, also known as the US-Taliban Peace Agreement, is a historic deal that was signed on February 29, 2020, between the Taliban and the United States. The agreement was negotiated over a series of talks in Doha, Qatar, and aims to bring an end to the 19-year-long war in Afghanistan.

The details of the Doha Agreement are outlined in a joint declaration signed by both the Taliban and the US. Here are some of the key points from the agreement:

1. US withdrawal: Under the terms of the agreement, the US has agreed to withdraw all of its troops from Afghanistan within 14 months of signing the agreement. The withdrawal process is expected to begin in the coming months.

2. Taliban commitment to peace: As part of the agreement, the Taliban has committed to preventing terrorist groups from using Afghan territory to plan or launch attacks against the US or its allies.

3. Taliban negotiations with the Afghan government: The agreement calls for the Taliban to engage in negotiations with the Afghan government to create a power-sharing arrangement for the country. The talks are scheduled to begin on March 10, 2020.

4. Prisoner exchange: As a confidence-building measure, the agreement calls for the release of up to 5,000 Taliban prisoners by the Afghan government, and up to 1,000 Afghan prisoners by the Taliban.

5. US sanctions relief: The agreement also includes a provision for the US to begin lifting sanctions on the Taliban. This is contingent on the group adhering to the terms of the agreement.

While the Doha Agreement represents a significant step forward in ending the war in Afghanistan, there are still many challenges ahead. The Taliban has continued to carry out attacks against Afghan security forces and civilians, and it remains to be seen whether the group will follow through on its commitments.

In addition, there are concerns about the Afghan government`s ability to negotiate a power-sharing arrangement with the Taliban, especially given the country`s history of ethnic and political divisions.

Overall, however, the Doha Agreement represents a positive development in the long-standing conflict in Afghanistan. With continued commitment and cooperation from all parties involved, there is hope that this agreement can pave the way for lasting peace in the region.