A business broker finders fee agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions for a business broker to receive payment for finding a potential buyer for a company. This fee is typically a percentage of the final sales price of the business.

Why is a Business Broker Finder`s Fee Agreement Important?

A business broker finder`s fee agreement is essential as it protects all parties involved in the transaction. The agreement ensures that the business broker gets paid for their services and that the buyer and seller know what they will be responsible for paying before the sale goes through. Additionally, the agreement sets expectations for timelines and obligations during the negotiation process.

The typical fee for a business broker finder`s fee can range from 5% to 15% of the final sales price, depending on the size and complexity of the business. It is essential to discuss and agree upon this percentage with the broker before they begin their search.

Components of a Business Broker Finder`s Fee Agreement

There are several critical components that need to be included in a business broker finder`s fee agreement:

1. Payment Terms: The agreement should clearly state how and when the business broker will receive their fee. This information should include the percentage of the final sales price, any other fees that may be charged, and the payment timeline.

2. Timing of Payment: The agreement should specify when the fee will be paid. Some business brokers may require payment upfront, while others will collect their fee after the sale is complete.

3. Termination Clause: The agreement should outline the conditions under which either party can terminate the arrangement, including any notice periods required.

4. Confidentiality: The agreement should include confidentiality provisions that state that the business broker will not disclose any information about the seller`s business to any third parties.

5. Exclusivity: The agreement may include an exclusivity clause that prevents the seller from working with another broker during the search process.


A business broker finder`s fee agreement is essential in protecting all parties involved in the sale of a business. The agreement outlines payment terms, sets expectations for timelines and obligations, and ensures confidentiality throughout the transaction. Overall, it`s essential to have a clear understanding of the terms and conditions of the agreement before proceeding with a business brokerage transaction.